Practioner Certification

Certified in the Governance of AI Systems.

Demonstrate that you have the knowledge and skill as a governance practitioner to advise the governing body on the use of artificial intelligence systems.



Get certified in governing and managing the use of artificial intelligence systems and the processing of personal data.



Showcase your competence by successfully completing an online exam that consists of multiple-choice questions.



All examinations are based on relevant regulations, NIST and ISO standards, international guidance, and industry best practices.



Earn a new credential.

Governance of AI systems

Governance of AI systems

Demonstrate knowledge of the role of the governing body in enabling and governing the use of AI systems.

Management of AI

Management of AI

Prove your capability to implement and manage AI systems in accordance with regulatiory obligations and ISO standards.

Governance of Personal Data

Governance of Personal Data

Demonstrate an understanding of the Accountability principle for processing personal data.

Forum & comments

Data Breach Management

Prove your capability to handle personal data breaches in accordance with regulatory obligations.

Top Certifications

Our Featured Certifications

Demonstrate you have the knowledge and skill.

(5 reviews)

The Certified in the Governance of AI Systems credential is awarded to candidates who exhibit a comprehensive understanding of enabling...

Earn the CGAIS credential today

Certified in the Governance of AI Systems

FOR ONLY €100.00


Data Protection Schemes is a scheme owner under Article 42(5) of the GDPR, the article for certification mechanisms that can be used to demonstrate compliance with the Regulation. Its purpose is to bring certainty to compliance through schemes approved by the European supervisory authorities and the EDPB.

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